Tailor-made boxes to conceal any type of window decoration with a minimal visual impact. The box is built into the ceiling or wall during the finishing phase. When the room is finished, the roller blind is installed and the box is closed with the hinged cover plate. Ideal for large roller blinds, double roller blinds or roller blinds that come together in a gable end.
The build-in track is perfectly matched to the Decoline electric track 502 and the end caps to the Somfy Glydea motor. This recessed track is built into the ceiling during the finishing stage and is painted together with the ceiling. The standard curve pieces also make installation possible for round walls, corners, bay windows and other situations. When the 502 is mounted, it completely blends into the ceiling with minimal visual impact.
The H-Collection security hinges with cover plates create a built-in effect where this was not planned during the construction phase. They can be used in two ways.
On the one hand to close off an existing recess. On the other hand to create a niche feeling against the ceiling or wall.
Standard build-in boxes for roller blinds with minimal visual impact. The box is built into the ceiling or wall during the finishing phase. When the room is finished, the roller blind is installed and the box is closed with the hinged cover plate. A combination with side boxes ensures good darkening. Ideal for floor-to-ceiling windows and for sliding doors.